To bring insights to light, for validation / optimization of concepts, packaging, TV commercials, ads, incentives, direct mailing, loyalty programs, logos…
Focus groups leading to:
  - a synthesis of the key findings along with operational recommendations
- a video selection of the key moments in the groups as an illustration, optionally


Modules of 12 interviews conducted by Project Managers, to diagnose story-boards, animatics, TV commercials… leading to toplines, real tools to help optimize the project:
  - on an individual basis for a more reliable diagnosis of the understanding
- an approach perfectly adapted to children targets


Operational watch and relevant outlook of a semiologist on an advertising, packaging corpus.
Analysis associated in most cases to a consumer approach so as to:
  - better assess the performance of an advertising communication, of a pack as such and vs. the competition
- detect the available conceptual and enunciation niches



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